Something to say?
Have an announcement to make, then say it here.
Something to say?
Have an announcement to make, then say it here.
Looking to buy or sell Antiques or collectibles?
Place a FREE ad here and locate or sell your hard to find items!
Auto for sale?
Have an auto for sale? Post it here and sell it.
Classified Ad Info:
Classified Ads must be 40 words or less and are limited to private individuals, groups and organizations that are located within 50 miles of Weaverville California - All ads outside that area will NOT be posted. Only businesses that have purchased a Business Ad can also be listed in the Classifieds.
Ads will run for a period of 30 days and then will be removed. If you would like to run your ad again after it expires simply resubmit it to us. Ads are posted usually within 2 business days after submission so be sure to check regularly for new Ads!
If you have any questions you can reach us at: Classified Ad Email
Our business hours are Mon - Fri 9am to 5pm and we will answer your emails at that time.
Click here to > Submit your Ad today!
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Disclaimer: All Ads are the responsibility of the person(s) or organization placing the ad. This website cannot be held liable for any information within these Ads. Inappropriate, incorrect or misleading Ads will not be allowed and removed.
Looking for someone to share your time with... a friend, pen pal or maybe more? Post here and find them!
Need a Website?
Call Site One Web Design and have a local Web Designer with 14 years experience create a website for your business that is not only pleasing to the eye, but also search engine friendly. We can also update and manage your existing website.
Visit our website to learn more
Boats, RV's, and more
Have a motorhome, watercraft, or other recreational item for sale? Post an ad here.
Firewood for sale?
Place an Ad and tell people. Be sure to include your price and phone number.
Free Stuff
have something to give away? Let peole know.
Milk goats & laying hens
Have livestock, hay, farm equipment or other farm related items for sale? Place your ad.
Renters Rights-Landlord
Responsibilities info
CA Department of Consumer Affairs: Landlord-Tenant Book
California Tenant Laws:
Having a Yard Sale?
Place a free Ad and tell people about it.
Need Help?
If you're looking for a full-time or temporary employee, or just some help around the house place an ad here to find them.
Everyday Items
Here you can post common everyday items for sale by locals.
Items wanted
Looking for something? place your ad here and see who has it. You may just find what you're looking for.
Place your Classified Ad FREE today!
Over 20,000 people visit this website each month, and we're still growing.
Lost wallet and phones
Have you lost or found something? Place an ad and tell people.
Motor Cycle or ATV's?
Place a free ad here and sell them fast! Over 15,000 people per month viewing this website!
Adopt a pet today!
Trinity County Animal Shelter
PO Box 1288
563 Mountain View
Weaverville CA 96093
(530) 623-1370
Donations always appreciated.
Hours of operation are:
Mon - Thu / 10am to 4pm
(lunch from 12 to 12:30pm)
Friday / 10am to 1pm